Unlike an unordered map, the orderedmap package is an ordermap type. Ordermap is an inherited Map maps keys to values. Ordermap provides useful methods e.g. Store
, Load
, Delete
, Range
and so on. The remaining methods are order-aware. Big-O running times for all methods are the same as regular maps.
Get source code by go get
go get cnb.cool/ordermap/ordermap@v1.1.0
Or you can write following code in go.mod
for your project:
require (
cnb.cool/ordermap/ordermap v1.1.0
func New() *OrderMap
For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
o := ordermap.New()
fmt.Printf("%T", o)
// output: *ordermap.OrderMap
Store method used to set the value for a key.
func (om *OrderMap) Store(key, value any)
For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
o := ordermap.New()
o.Store("name", "Pizza")
o.Store("price", 50)
o.Store("size", "10#")
// output: {"name": "Pizza", "price": 50, "size": "10#"}
Load method used to get the value from a key. If the key is not exist in the map, a nil and a false will be returned.
func (om *OrderMap) Load(key any) (any, bool)
For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
o := ordermap.New()
o.Store("name", "Pizza")
o.Store("price", 50)
o.Store("size", "10#")
size, ok := o.Load("size")
fmt.Println(size, ok)
// output: 10# true
color, ok := o.Load("color")
fmt.Println(color, ok)
// output: <nil> false
Delete method is used to delete the value associated with a key.
func (om *OrderMap) Delete(key any)
For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
o := ordermap.New()
o.Store("name", "Pizza")
o.Store("price", 50)
o.Store("size", "10#")
fmt.Println("Before using delete method, the content of ordermap is: ", o)
// Before using delete method, the content of ordermap is: {"name": "Pizza", "price": 50, "size": "10#"}
fmt.Println("After using delete method, the content of ordermap is: ", o)
// After using delete method, the content of ordermap is: {"name": "Pizza", "price": 50}
You can use the Range
method to visit each key and value. The Range
method requires an argument of type func(key, value any) bool
. If returns false, the iteration stops.
func (om *OrderMap) Range(f func(key, value any) bool)
For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
o := ordermap.New()
o.Store("A", "a")
o.Store("B", "b")
f := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
fmt.Printf("key: %v, value: %v\n", key, value)
return true
// outputs:
// key: A, value: a
// key: B, value: b
You can use the Length
method to obtain the length of the OrderMap
func (om *OrderMap) Length() int
For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
o := ordermap.New()
o.Store("A", "a")
o.Store("B", "b")
// output: 2
OrderMap also implements some common interfaces, which will be more convenient when actually using it.
package main
import (
func main() {
o := ordermap.New()
o.Store("A", "a")
o.Store("B", "b")
o.Store(1, 3.14)
// {"A": "a", "B": "b", 1: 3.14}
fmt.Printf("The content of OrderMap object is: %s\n", o)
// The content of OrderMap object is: {"A": "a", "B": "b", 1: 3.14}
package main
import (
func main() {
o := ordermap.New()
o.Store("A", "a")
o.Store(1, 3.14)
// {"A": "a", 1: 3.14}
fmt.Printf("The content of OrderMap object is: %#v\n", o)
// The content of OrderMap object is: {"A": "a", 1: 3.14}